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‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Augmented translation. إظهار كافة الرسائل
The Evolving Relationship of MT with the Translator
Augmented translation

The Evolving Relationship of MT with the Translator

Machine translation is pervasive today and even the most conservative estimates say that MT is “translating” trillions of words a month across multiple large public MT portals and is use…

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The Evolution of Machine Translation Use in the Enterprise
Augmented translation

The Evolution of Machine Translation Use in the Enterprise

The modern enterprise with global ambitions is experiencing an evolving view of the value, scope, and need for language translation to enhance and build global business momentum. The old…

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The Evolving Translator-Computer Interface
Augmented translation

The Evolving Translator-Computer Interface

This is a guest post by  Nico Herbig from the  German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). For as long as I have been involved with the translation industry, I have wondered …

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3 Ways You Can Become an ‘Augmented Translator’
Augmented translation

3 Ways You Can Become an ‘Augmented Translator’

This is a guest post by  Jonathan Grisot who  works as a Senior Language Specialist in SDL’s French Language Office in Paris. The translators working in the Language Offices at SDL ar…

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