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‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Creative Destruction. إظهار كافة الرسائل
From Reasoning to Storytelling - The Future of the Translation Industry
Creative Destruction

From Reasoning to Storytelling - The Future of the Translation Industry

This is a guest post by a frequent contributor to eMpTy Pages, Luigi Muzii, on the future of translation, written in what some may say is an irreverent tone. I like to hear his opinions be…

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Creative Destruction Engulfs the Translation Industry: Move Upmarket Now or Risk Becoming Obsolete
Creative Destruction

Creative Destruction Engulfs the Translation Industry: Move Upmarket Now or Risk Becoming Obsolete

This is a guest post by Kevin Hendzel whose previous post on The Translation Market was second only to the Post-editing Compensation post, in terms of long-term popularity and wide reade…

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