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‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات PEMT. إظهار كافة الرسائل
The Evolving Translator-Computer Interface
Augmented translation

The Evolving Translator-Computer Interface

This is a guest post by  Nico Herbig from the  German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI). For as long as I have been involved with the translation industry, I have wondered …

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3 Ways You Can Become an ‘Augmented Translator’
Augmented translation

3 Ways You Can Become an ‘Augmented Translator’

This is a guest post by  Jonathan Grisot who  works as a Senior Language Specialist in SDL’s French Language Office in Paris. The translators working in the Language Offices at SDL ar…

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Sharing Efforts to get the most from MT and Post-Editing
best practices

Sharing Efforts to get the most from MT and Post-Editing

This is a guest post from Luigi Muzii which is basically made up primarily of the speaker notes of his presentation at the ELIA Together 2018 conference. I believe that Luigi has wise wor…

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Post Editing - What does it REALLY mean?

Post Editing - What does it REALLY mean?

While many people may consider that all post-editing is the same, there are definitely variations that are worth a closer look. This is a guest post by Mats Dannewitz Linder that digs into three very specific PEMT scenarios that a transla…

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